Getting more out of one of our original D|s Rituals

I have recently shared one of the long-standing rituals that I have with my lk, she must ask for permission before entering into my bed….…...

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May I Enter Into Your Bed | Dominance and submission Ritual

Sir, May I enter into your bed? One of our longest standing rituals is that lk must ask for my permission before entering into my……...

**** This content is for Premium Content | Through the Eyes of a husDOM™ membership level members only. To continue reading you will need to register. Best wishes, Mr Fox ****



lk needed a time when she could speak openly and honestly without apprehension or fear of retribution. The belief that she should be able to communic…

Total Power Exchange (TPE)

Total Power Exchange (TPE) Well… Our Total Power Exchange, (TPE) was extraordinary! My submissive gets a very specific announcement usually several days prior to our…