May I Enter Into Your Bed | Dominance and submission Ritual

Married Ds ritual

Sir, May I enter into your bed? One of our longest standing rituals is that lk must ask for my permission before entering into my...

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Getting more out of one of our original D|s Rituals

I have recently shared one of the long-standing rituals that I have with my lk, she must ask for permission before entering into my bed….…...

**** This content is for Premium Content | Through the Eyes of a husDOM™ membership level members only. To continue reading you will need to register. Best wishes, Mr Fox ****


Planting A Seed

In today’s episode, I will discuss “Planting a Seed”.

What is it?
What does it mean?
A genuine concern to me – Is planting a seed just incognito for manipulating your partner?

Can you create anticipation and arousal in your marriage by planting a seed?
Keep listening to find out why I feel that planting a seed is one of the most essential and powerful tools for a masculine Dominant leader today.
Towards the end of the episode, I will give an example, discuss, and offer a few robust tips regarding sending a sexy meme or text to plant a seed with your wife or partner.

Leading with integrated masculine energy!

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Powerful relationships don’t just happen by chance. And the couples living them dont take them for granted. They are fully present, all of the time, and they have learned the skills that are required to succeed in a relationship. When you see a married couple that has a healthy meaningful relationship, the odds are if their happiness is authentic, that they will have many other powerful relationships in their lives as well. It is almost as if they have cracked the code on relationship skills.