Gaining Your subMrs Trust | Your Yoke to Take

Gaining Your subMrs Trust | Your Yoke to Take

Gaining Your subMrs Trust

Your Yoke to Take, Take the yolk, shutterstock Paid Image,Gaining Your subMrs Trust  Your Yoke to Take


“I need/want to trust him that he is going to lead us down the right path, that his decisions are going to be what’s best for us/family. For the past 19 years I have made most of those decisions…”

For myself and LK we tried as diligently as anyone to make our marriage an equal partnership. We would both admit today that it wasn’t equal; I was making most of the important decisions in our relationship. We have always been on the same page but the fine details I usually dealt with. As I have mentioned before in other posts this trying to be equal scenario is a hotbed for arguments and hard feelings. Gaining Your subMrs Trust, Your Yoke to Take….. Take it.

A flight crew consists of only one captain and one first officer (co-pilot).
It is important to remember that a D/s relationship, especially a married D/s relationship, needs to be what works for the two of you. Do not measure yourselves with someone else’s yardstick; simply be yourselves and do what works for the two of you. Do not try and force your round butts into square pants.

“…AND I don’t know if I trust him enough to take complete control.”

I wouldn’t dream of just handing over the keys to the jet and ask him to start flying while you and the kids quietly buckle yourselves in and begin reviewing the passenger safety cards.

A submissive is handing over her control that does not mean that she can longer contribute. LK has certain qualities and attributes that I do not possess. A good leader will capitalize on those attributes and take her input into consideration allowing him to make better final decision.

As the captain (DOM) I rely heavily on Little Kaninchen’s knowledge and skill as my co-pilot to help navigate us through the night. The co-pilot may navigate but the captain has the final authority.

If I were a brand new captain fresh off of IOE, I would listen carefully to my nineteen year co-pilot…

Don’t make D/s more difficult than it is… It can be quite simple…

HusDom, Mr. Fox

Gaining Your subMrs Trust | Your Yoke to Take


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