Planting A Seed

In today’s episode, I will discuss “Planting a Seed”. What is it? What does it mean? A genuine concern to me - Is planting a seed just incognit…

What is a BDSM Scene

A BDSM scene typically refers to a consensual interaction or session between one or more individuals who engage in BDSM activities, which can involve …

Orgasm Control | Orgasmic Meditation

Steps 1-5  Step 1, Asking or Scheduling the session or scene. Step 2, The Nest:  The Dominant will need to set up the nest. A nest……...

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Paint Swatch | Dominant Challenge

I was on the chat a couple of days ago when I noticed that one of the members that I enjoy chatting with had changed……...

**** This content is for Premium Content | Through the Eyes of a husDOM™ membership level members only. To continue reading you will need to register. Best wishes, Mr Fox ****


Sext | Feed and Nourish my submissive

I have not been doing a diligent job in feeding my lk lately. Feeding your submissive and the D/s Circle. Feeding your partner is a vital……...

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