The Dominant Gentleman | D/s Married Couple

The Dominant Gentleman...

The Dominant Gentleman…

A Loving Dominant is always a Gentleman.

Being a Dominant has nothing in common with being domineering, in fact one is a contradiction of the other.  A respectful dominant does not rule arbitrary, based on choice or that of a personal whim.  A Dominant does not posses an unbridled supremacy or limitless power. The Dominant gentleman posses only the power in which his submissive has granted to him and she should have to authority to revoke this power at anytime for any reason.CHAIRSUBDOMSSPIOPT855,The Dominant Gentleman... A Loving Dominant is always a Gentleman.

The Dominant gentleman is a chivalrous, sensitive, honorable, well mannered man. It’s not about what he can get…It’s about what he can give.


A Dominant does not take pleasure in hurting anyone, submissive or otherwise.

In a BDSM lifestyle inflicting pain is at odds with actually ‘hurting’ someone.  In this instance ‘hurting’ or ‘injuring’ someone is to inflict injury that is a distress or a detriment to the other person.  It is quite common in the BDSM lifestyle to inflict or to administer pain to your partner or submissive. You give Pleasure with the pain….


A  Dominant will not cause their submissive any harm.

It is the responsibility of the Dominant to always be watchful and cognizant of their submissive’s well being and to ensue that their submissive’s best interests are placed above their own.


A Submissive wants to be dominated not injured or hurt.

A  submissive who enjoys masochism may enjoy the pain but would not necessarily enjoy being hurt or sustaining bodily injury.


Dominating a submissive or sexually Dominating a submissive is against my husband’s true nature.

I would suggest that this may, in fact, be nature at it’s best.  Instincts and predispositions of the human species at large.


Dominance and submission is Primal!

As you begin your own personal journey into the D/s lifestyle do not become paralyzed by your own prejudice or preconceived notions of what D/s or even BDSM is really about.  Each journey into the world of Dominance and submission is unique and will be extremely personal and intimate to every couple that decides to embark on such an endeavor.The Dominant Gentleman... A Loving Dominant is always a Gentleman.

If I were to be another submissive’s Dominant we would have a different journey than the journey that lk and I are on right now.  I would be a different Dominant as well with slightly different characteristics and traits.  Our journey is very unique to us and what we desire it to be.  There would be no recreating our particular D/s dynamic with any other partner.


A Dominant or a Gentleman may place his hand on the small of his submissive’s back to guide her as she walks or enters through a doorway.

A Dominant or a Gentleman may place his fingers or hand on the side of his submissive’s cheek or chin as he looks deeply into her eyes before he kisses her passionately.

There are many archetypes that could be used to illustrate the actions of a Dominant or a gentleman but I don’t want to overshadow the actual lesson. The actual acts of Dominance and Submission vary from couple to couple. There are people practicing many different D/s behaviors. Choose the behaviors that are comfortable to you and your partner and begin there. I continually refer to my “journey”, because it is in fact a journey. I didn’t wake up one morning and decide that today I was a Dominant. It began with the most simple gestures and has continued to grow each and every day. I’m sure that five years from now I will look back at this past year and consider it just the beginning for me, a true infancy.


The Dominant Gentleman

Married Dominance and submission

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