Category: Dominance submission Marriage | D/s Lifestyle
Marriage | D/s Lifestyle – This lifestyle is for the D/s-M Married Dominant and submissive lifestyle.
Cake and Cunnilingus Day
No really, there is actually a real Cake and Cunnilingus Day! A little history before we dive in… shall we. A well known holiday that…
Cum Taste Me | Sexual Fitness For Men
I already believe that husDOM is the best D|s-M resource in the entire world. However, we are not resting… We have carefully considered the addition……...
Paint Swatch | Dominant Challenge
I was on the chat a couple of days ago when I noticed that one of the members that I enjoy chatting with had changed……...
Meet UP with a REAL Fifty Shades of Grey Couple | Movie and Dinner Charlotte, NC
Meet Up with a REAL Fifty Shades of Grey Couple! FSOG Darker, Movie and Dinner Charlotte, NC Shout Out!/Invite! Mr. Fox and Little Kaninchen will…
Threesome with Delta | submissive Exercise | Role-Play
My lk has written an assignment for her submissive membership to accomplish. I thought that it would be forward thinking to share this assignment with…
Pleasing your Dominant During a Scene | Weekly wisDOM
After a light BDSM scene LK, My Lapine and I were taking a hot shower when I began to solicit her perspective regarding our scene.…
How Fifty Shades of Grey Saved My Marriage | SimplySxy Magazine
A few months back an editor from an online magazine approached me about writing a short article for his magazine, SimplySxy. I was flattered beyond measure. After…
D/s Relationship Ebbs and Flows | Married BDSM
D/s Relationship Natural Ebb & Flow Peaks and Valleys – Highs and Lows… I have said many times how Dominants throughout all phases of their D/s journey…
submissive Expectations | D/s Mentoring Advice
Submissive Expectations The title may appear to be an oxymoron and in fact it may be. However, it does not change the fact that ALL…