The Need for submission, More Than Just a Book

The Need for submission,
More Than Just a Book
“I also learned today that he is really taking me serious now. He admitted that he thought it was just a fantasy or phase that I was going through (due to 50 Shades Books) and that it was going to go away. I asked him what made him change his mind….he said that I keep bringing it up and keep pursuing it. He figured out about a week ago that I was not just going through a phase, that I was serious and that he probably needed to step up his game!”
~ Anonymous submissive
I often refer to myself as guarded when it comes to my emotions and this particular comment really struck a chord with me. At first I had the feeling that this Fifty Shades Books dynamic that my LK wanted so badly was just a fad or a phase. But, her need to submit and her mindset changed … it was more than just a book… She became the book, she became a submissive.
For the past twenty some years LK and I considered ourselves as equals in our relationship. We spent a great deal of our time and energy trying to convince the other that our own ideas and point of views were better than the others, even when we were basically saying the same things. We jockeyed for position…
Again, LK is not beneath me, we are still partners in life. Little Kaninchen trusts me to make the right decisions. My decisions take heavily her point of view as consideration, I simply have the final say. We communicate better now than we ever have before. Over the past year of our journey there has not been one single decision made by me that we didnt discuss in great detail and that we were not in total agreement. She has allowed me to be the captain…
When Little Kaninchen first brought this lifestyle to my attention after reading the Fifty Shades series I thought that this phase would pass and pass quickly. I was sure that it must have been a romantic sexy book to get her this excited but that once I finally was to give in and really desire this lifestyle she would no longer want it for herself. There is a lot of sacrifice on the submissive’s part. I felt as though she would soon realize this and grow tired of serving me.
Well gentleman… I couldn’t have been more wrong. Little Kaninchen has really taken to being my submissive more than I could have ever expected. She takes pride in pleasing me, truly! Little Kaninchen is more devoted to me and my happiness now than ever before as I am to her and her happiness. This desire of hers hasn’t burned itself out like I originally suspected it would, in fact, it has blossomed. Blossomed into a new and wonderful life for the two of us.
If you are hesitant that your wife’s desires are soon going to fade back to what they once were, just consider for a moment that they may not. Contemplate the lifestyle that she has suggested, the lifestyle that you yourself desire.
I will have to say that for myself, there appear to be more D/s relationships that fail because of fear, trepidation and phobias than fail because the participants didn’t find what they were looking for once they truly committed.
HusDom, Mr Fox
The Need for submission, More Than Just a Book
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