New Pilot ready for take-off
Hello guys.
Obviously I’m new on this forum. I’ve toyed around in some kinks earlier in my life, but ultimately left them behind when I started to date more seriously. Now that I’m married my sex life is plain with a little bit of spice on special occasions. Our marriage is still strong and we are trying to have kids, but the sex has been a little underwhelming and after listening to the Husdom podcast I thought maybe it would be worth a try to insert this dynamic into my life.
I’m more into the psychological kinks than the physical. Restraints and ball gags are cool, but I’m more into making her serve me a drink naked or having her refrain from touching herself while I tell her erotic stories. Tantric sex is also something I am very interested in, but I am still less than a novice
Our anniversary is coming up in about 2 weeks and want to pop the D/s-M question to her then. So, in conclusion, I’m looking for some inspiration or some books that might help explain and introduce her to the basics and maybe help her find some taboos she may be ready to break with me.
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