This is a great resource for your relationship. It takes time for the Dom side to make its way into your professional or vanilla life, especially with kids at home. Yoza and I have 4 kids at home and it has been difficult to allow for the bleedthrough of the D/s life into the vanilla life. It has happened but not fast but the subtlety has not given our older kids any idea that things were changing. The only thing that we got was a comment from our oldest daughter on how little we fight as a couple which was a HUGE compliment to me and all the hard work Yoza put in. is a MUST. There are some great women on that side and a lot of help and support that as the Dom we may not be capable of providing. Have you created a contract yet and set some ground rules? If not, there are many ways to go about it but my Yoza thirsted for tangible rules so that she knew exactly where she stood and made her life soooooooo much easier. If that is what she wants, take the time, make a game plan, and put forth the effort. It will pay off!