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  • Posted by jason1611 on at

    Hello Mr. Fox and everyone else,
    Glad to have the chance and opportunity to become a part of your site. I had followed you a while back, but got busy and lost touch. Recently, I realized that I was losing touch with my Dom side too, and decided to rededicate myself to honing the special craft of being the best Dom I can be for my wife of over 20 years. My wife and I are both 41 years old and have been learning and expermitting for over a year with our D/s relationship. It has been fantastic rediscovering ourselves, but there have definetly been ups and downs. My wife also has just started following LK’s site, with the screen name of Eve, we have been reading your blogs for over a year and definetly used your very helpful information to improve our relationship. We are both more than happy to help with anything that needs helping with, and are constantly learning from each other and anywhere else we can find relevant helpful information. Thanks for everything you and Lk do, your an inspiration to us, and I can only hope to help others as much as you two have.
    Thanks to both of you and please pass along the thank you and appreciation to LK as well, and that I know my wife would love to personally hear from her. My Eve is a little shy, but once she feels comfortable, opens up and would love to become part of her little community.
    Thanks again to both of you,

    jason1611 replied 11 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • samoansir


    Welcome Jason! Looks like you have more experience than I do lol. Glad you posted. We’re trying to get this thing rolling so any posts are welcome. If you don’t mind my asking how long have you and your sub/wife engaged in this lifestyle? It’s nice to have someone else to talk to on here on the Dom side. Just wanted to drop a line to a fellow Sir and say welcome to the forum 🙂

  • jason1611


    Hello Samoansir,
    Good to hear from you also, and I couldn’t agree more on what a great opportunity this is for Dom’s to communicate with each other. I know I have had times where I could have definetly used a forum to toss around ideas, may save us from having to reinvent the wheel all on our own. My wife and I have been playing with the D/s dynamic for almost 2 years now, but I still consider myself a novice, I am always learning and willing to try new things and ideas. Mr. Foxs site has been an inspiration and motivation for myself, pushing me to grow both as a husband and a Dom. Feel free to contact me anytime, I plan on trying to become active in this little community that Mr. Fox and LK have been so kind to provide us all with. Nice to hear from you, and thank you for the welcome.

  • husdom



    Welcome aboard!

    I am most likely not worthy of all of the accolades that you have bestowed on me but your sentiment is very much appreciated. LK’s website has developed into a wonderful resource for submissive’s of all backgrounds, types and experience levels. The submissive’s have begun to inspire and learn from one another, as a cofounder it has been extremely rewarding.

    Several husDoms have contacted me asking if I could produce the same type of resource for Dominants. I can produce the framework for such a resource but it will require a high level of participation from it’s members to succeed.

    I am honored that husDOMs such as yourself are willing to help create such a place for others.

    You mentioned reinventing the wheel in one of your replies, that is exactly why I began my website, so that others would have a idea of how I navigated my way. Their own personal journey will be different of course but there would be a documented resource showing others some of the trials and tribulations along the way.

    I still consider myself a novice as well…

    I believe that I will always see myself as a student of the art…

    I look forward to getting to know you better,

    Mr. Fox

  • jason1611


    Hello Mr. Fox,

    Thank you very much for the welcome, and the accolades I dolled out to both of you, are very well deserved. You both have served as an inspiration to more people than you will likely ever know. Looking forward to honing our craft, and sharing our thoughts on the topic for many years to come.


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