The loss of creativity…
So my screen name is Max. My better half and I have been together for 4 1/2 years. We have children, so as I’m sure some of you can relate, it can be very difficult to find time for her and I. We have been actively exploring different D/s scenarios and situations for a good year and a half. We actually became interested after watching a documentary on NF. FSOG also may have helped. If I were to imagine myself Dominant I guess what I would envision is the fresh dressed, perfectly tailored two-piece suit wearing, with a bit of authority to go hand in hand. Unfortunately, that’s not who I am most of the day. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to think of myself as a degree of alpha but in reality, in my everyday life, the only authority I exert is that from the position of just “regular dude”. Although, I do have a fond appreciation for calamari and expensive wines if that makes a difference. Now I know there are so many things I wish to learn and to be able to express and exhibit but finding the time to learn all of it and apply it to my situation can be quite demanding. Anyways, I’m sure I will get to speak with some of you and if you have any questions, suggestions or so on, I’ll be around.
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