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  • Old dog learning new tricks.

    Posted by mr-o on at

    I have been around the site for about a week now. I started at the beginning of the blog and have worked my way through it. Picking pieces I like and that think will be useful.

    My wife/sub is registered over at SubMRS. Her user name is Nanisuyake which is short for Nanisuyake Toh-Tsee-Ah which translates to Beautiful Prairie Flower. I just call her Nani to keep things simple.

    It has been about a 2 weeks since we agreed to transform our marriage into a Dom/sub relationship. While looking around for information on contracts I came across this site. We signed on the dotted line about a week ago. 17 years is a long time to try and break into a new pattern and establish new ways of doing things. I have accepted the fact that things will take time to develop. Honesty and transparency are paramount in developing the trust needed for a strong foundation. I have used “open floor” or downtime as its referred to around here to try and get the feedback I need to move this relationship in the right direction.

    All in all, things have went pretty smoothly. She says that the first week or so of this has been arguably the most fulfilling time in our marriage for her. I can’t disagree with her. We have already had one setback, but thankfully I didn’t get defensive and start trying to justify myself and I was able to get things back on track by the end of the night. It’s hard to keep the vanilla ways from creeping back in, once the going gets a little rough.

    I spend a rather large amount of time away from home and this is one of the things that kept us from trying this a couple of years ago. That and I don’t think either one of us were in the right place mentally at the time. It will definitely be interesting to see the challenges we will face. At this point I have tried to set up a couple of requests every week so that it keeps us both in the correct mindset. We will see how it plays out long term.

    I look forward to both getting and giving advise as it looks like quite the community here.

    Glad to be here,

    Mr. O

    gleina replied 9 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • shamilton61


    Welcome to the community Mr O. Sounds like you’ve gotten off to a great start on your journey. Please don’t be shy in the forums and chat, you’ll find that there’s a great group of very supportive people assembled here. Look forward to seeing you around.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Welcome Mr. O, it sounds like you have a good foundation. There are some great resources here, I highly suggest getting started on Mr. Fox’s blog. It has offered a great amount of guidance in heading off problems early.

    Best Regards

  • mr-o


    Thank you to both of you gentlemen. I actually went back through the blog to the beginning and worked my way through all of them. There is a lot of useful information if a person takes the time to go through it properly. Thanks for the suggestions. See you around.

    Mr. O

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Howdy and welcome!

  • gleina


    Welcome! Glad to see you starting out with a great attitude! You will see me on the chat, I am a resident Domme, let me tell you vanilla creeps in, you have to be patient and wary!

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