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  • New to the Community

    Posted by mister_mayhem on at

    Hey guys. Never been a part of a community like this before. Been trying to go about this lifestyle by myself and basically blundering my way through. At least that’s how is feel anyway. Me and my Mrs have been married for two 1/2 years now, been playing around in the D/s concept most of that time. We have been trying to make the transition into a full lifestyle but it has been difficult. Partially because of scheduling because we both work all day, but I feel that mist of it has fallen on me failing as her Dom. I second guess myself a lot on things and the dynamic always falls apart. She has expressed to me her need of the things the lifestyle gives her, so I want to be the person to provide that to her. I guess I just need to know where to start. Anyway I’m pretty excited I found an entire community to talk with and share my experiences with.

    husdom replied 5 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • sir-hermosa-amb


    Welcome sir.

    Sounds like you’ve found the right place! I’m excited to hear more about your dynamic, and look forward to chatting with you in the future.

    Jump on into the chats here any time, and feel free to post any questions in the forums. If I see one I’ll almost always answer, and I’m online at quite random times to chat as well.

    Good luck sir! Check out some of the older blogs as well. MrFox did a great job describing his struggles in his new dynamic as well.


  • sir-bee


    Mr Mayhem

    Pleasure to meet you. Sir Hermosa has covered all of the good stuff. I will simply say hello and welcome to the community. I will look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

    Sir Bee

  • husdom


    Mr. Mayhem,

    Welcome aboard,

    This may sound crazy but I have never been part of a community like this before or after as well. This was completely new to me as well, however, I saw a real need for relevant information and camaraderie. Not just a need to help others but also for my own growth and development as a Dominant.

    I like the candor and honesty about blundering your way through all of this. We have all had our fair share of blunders along the way. Hopefully, by sharing our failures as well as our successes here we will be able to help eliminate some difficulty and challenges as well as give us some great ideas on things we may have never considered before.

    Second-guessing yourself is a very common issue in the beginning and also it plaques some well into their journey. It comes from not being confident in your role. There are many reasons for that… Immerse yourself into the community and you will begin to find your answers.

    Best wishes

    Mr. Fox

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