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  • Introduction

    Posted by reenor on at

    Hello everyone!

    My student and I are venturing out into the world of D/s-M.

    We have been married 13 years. Like many of you, I was shocked when I was told that my student needed a D/s type relationship! We have just started, and thus far we have found it to be not only more exciting, but also a deeper and more intimate relationship than we have experienced to date.

    I am looking for advice on how to be an even better Dom to my student. She needs more control, and I with the soft, egalitarian heart am a little too easy on her. What can I do to be more of the person she needs? Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Unknown Member replied 7 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • master-chief


    I will continue with a few suggestions here. As I said in chat, make sure that you read the blogs. There is a lot of excellent information there. Start at the beginning and you will notice the natural progression. Downtime. Set your student down and discuss likes and dislikes. Set some limits if you will. Come up with a few rituals and or rules that fit the two of you.
    Have an open mind and know that no two couple’s dynamics are exactly the same. Adapt and overcome. If something doesn’t work make an adjustment and move forward. Good Luck! Keep asking questions and researching.

    Master Chief

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Hi Reenor and welcome!
    Master Chief gave some pretty sound advice…there is lots to read and digest throughout the site. When I first joined I started in the Where to Begin drop down and followed the postings and consumed the comments and other suggestions. As Master Chief says, the Blogs are where it’s at! In addition to getting some great guidance from Mr. Fox and others you will start to see that the community provides wonderful personal insights and things that have worked for them, some things that may not have worked, and most of all inspire you to develop your own D/s dynamic. Read, Read, Read! And then there are the chats (looks like you are familiar with those) which is where you will make some amazing connections and find a lot of new perspectives that will likely resonate with you and provide some of the guidance and answers that you are seeking. We are all on a similar journey with unique and growing dynamics. This is the place to grow!
    Welcome to you and your student. I look forward to seeing you in the forums and chats!!
    Mr. G8tr

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