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  • Introduction

    Posted by mr-shade on at

    Greetings all,

    As I read through this site – I think we discovered this new idea of our relationship based on the 50 shades book (hence my name here). We just started to have some conversations where my wife of 17 years agreed to explore the submissive lifestyle.

    This is very different for me – as I struggle with being “nice” or “gentlemanly” with my wife – and now I’ve been given permission to not be so nice. It’s very liberating.

    I’m trying to read as much as I can – as I don’t want to let her down. She’s trusted me with a lot – and I want to honor that trust by following through as best as I can.

    However – we’re still trying to figure out what it means….should we have a contract? I read the posts here – and it lead me to the question: Are we just in it for the “kinky fuckery” – or is it deeper as a D/s relationship?

    We’re going to have a discussion later tonight to explore limits (a very exciting and trusting conversation)

    I’m looking forward to growing our relationship – and I’m hoping this community will be a good resource for navigating these waters to let us grow together. I have a lot to learn.

    mr-shade replied 9 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • husdom


    Mr Shade,

    Welcome aboard sir…

    After reading your introduction and learning about yourself and what you are searching for I am confident that you husDOM™ is the right resource for you.

    This is very different for me – as I struggle with being “nice” or “gentlemanly” with my wife – and now I’ve been given permission to not be so nice. It’s very liberating.


    Since I have become Dominant I am even more the gentleman and you will find that you will become more ‘nice’ than you previously were.

    Best wishes,

    Mr Fox

  • sirhamlet


    Hello Mr. Shade,

    Welcome to the HusDom community!

    Yes, Mr. Fox speaks the truth – the core of this for most of us is the mutual respect and trust that comes with the journey into a D/s lifestyle. I find that the relationship that I have with my own subwife, Chryseis, has grown even more clear … I definitely find that my “gentleman” side is more Dominant than it ever has been. I don’t think that they need to be mutually exclusive… an outcome that I didn’t necessarily expect going into this.


  • mr-shade


    Mr. Fox – thank you for the welcome. I have already spent some very productive time in the chatroom -and I am confident that this site will be invaluable in guiding me through the rookie mistakes that are sure to come. Thank you for your sponsorship and caretaking of this site – it is appreciated.

    SirHamlet – I appreciate the words of wisdom – and I hope to live up to the honor that my wife has bestowed by giving me her submission. This journey is one I’m looking forward to.

    – Mr. Shade

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