Intro to the Comminity
Good evening all, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to a couple of you but this will be an opportunity to expand a bit. My wife and I have been married for nine years, and have experimented some off and on but have been really being intentional about D/s for the last couple months. My sub (siannabee) has been interested in BDSM for years and has been hinting at things and reading books for awhile but never really approached and asked me about it. It was me that first seriously broached the subject of intentionally having a D/s relationship and since we’ve started has been phenomenal. The struggle has been finding resources that are aimed at married couples, so much of what we’ve had to wade through for info is very casual relationship and poly focused. That mindset was incompatible with our married relationship and faith. This site seems like an excellent alternative and we’re eager to learn more. I’m gone for work a lot in areas without internet so my sub will likely be doing most of the interactions on the SubMrs forum, please feel free to have your subs hit her up, I know she’s talked to V and Sweets over there. We’re both excited and refreshed by the community’s focus.
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