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  • Posted by ernestern on at

    I’ve been lurking around here for a little while now getting a feel for this place and from what I’ve read, as well as from recommendations from other trusted sources, I’ve determined that I’ve found a trustworthy place for advice in helping me lead my relationship in the direction I want it to go. So here I am finally jumping in with an intro.

    I’m 47, married 28 years. I retired from the US Army with 20 years in 2006. About halfway through my military career, my wife took the reigns of our relationship, mostly because I was gone so much doing the Army thing, but also because of laziness on my part.

    After my military career was over, the status quo of that dynamic remained and within 5 years of my retirement our marriage was on the rocks. So on the brink of divorce I discovered a forum that reintroduced me to the “Red Pill” and encouraged me to reassert my dominance and leadership in the relationship. I have since managed to save the marriage.

    For the past four years, our marriage has continued to evolve and in the last year or so has been slowly heading towards a strong D/s dynamic, a dynamic that I find quite pleasing. But since D/s is beyond the scope of the forum that saved my marriage, I come here now hoping to find a trustworthy source of information and advice that will help me evolve it.

    I am looking forward to the journey.

    Unknown Member replied 8 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • hypnodom531


    What’s the Red Pill?

  • ernestern


    In a nutshell, it is a theory that male dominance and leadership (maybe not to the degree of D/s) is the natural order of things. That a relationship will flourish best when men behave as men and women as women. Why women love bad boys and friend zone nice guys. I believe it was originally coined by the Pick Up Artist community, but several authors have used the theory in helping build strong healthy relationships between men and women.

  • hypnodom531


    Thanks. Women tend to crave security versus independence. God knows my wife does. She loves being tied down and absolutely used, and I’m just the man to do it – in 5 months when I redeploy from Baghdad. Thanks for your service. I’ve been in one way or another since 1984.

  • husdom



    Welcome to husDOM!

    I am elated that you have taken the plunge to participate and that you are no longer just a lurker here on husDOM.

    Best wishes,

    Mr Fox

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User


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