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  • Posted by mr-v on at

    Hi everyone,
    My wife and I, married 5 years, have always had this type of dynamic throughout our now 15 year relationship, albeit without knowing what it really was. However during a recent bout of illness and intense study, we started to notice something was missing; we realised we had lost what we had, so went on the hunt. Finally about a year ago we were able to identify ourselves as D/s, and now every day is a new adventure for us. I am always on the lookout for like-minded people to learn from, and when I stumbled across this site I thought all my Christmases had come at once. I am really looking forward to reading though all the great information available here, and contributing what I can to help others.

    husdom replied 10 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • jarithone


    Welcome, sorry to hear about the illness my Starlilie is just getting over a hospitalization her self. It does make you reflect on your life with your partner, all the hows, whys, and what if come running to the surface. You are among friends and some awesome mentors – read every thing –

  • husdom


    Mr V.,

    Welcome aboard!

    An illness can definitely change the dynamic of a relationship. LK and I are experiencing some of this right now.

    JarithOne is correct when he says that you are among friends…

    Best wishes,

    Mr Fox

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