I wish a place like this had existed 10 years ago!
Long ago when freckles and I began down this road, I would have so deeply loved for a place like this to ask questions, get advice, and maybe avoided so many pitfalls along the way. Kudos to you Mr. Fox for taking the plunge and building a deeply needed bridge.
I am here in hopes of finding a community, sharing ideas, and offering some encouragement. Freckles and I have been 24/7 for 6-7 years, and never for a moment have I ever desired to take a step backwards. She has not yet signed up on the other side of the fence, but I imagine she will soon enough.
Community within the lifestyle is the hardest thing, and very often you feel like you live in a different world than everyone around you. I remember sitting outside a munch once just to listen and see if freckles and I would be able to feel comfortable there, and I don’t think a single person attended was married, or at the least dedicated to their partner. I realize there are many kinds, but I knew we were firmly outside anywhere that community wanted to go. I left, and they never even knew I was there.
So I thank you for your welcome, and I look forward to sharing with you, learning a few new tricks, and maybe if I’m lucky, even a paradigm shift that will deepen my dedication to this thing we do. There is nothing like a community to reinvigorate a person, and even teach an old dog new tricks!
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