Hello and intro
Hi everyone
Im 39 and am well versed in D/s relationships. I lean towards high protocol and am very much into rope play (I make my own linen rope because most sites sell jute and hemp but I prefer linen).I am not married but I think this site can help me with a specific issue I have. Ive been into D/s since my mid twenties and have had numerous submissives. My issue though is that I have alternated between relationships that were based on kink, as in we met at a kink party or something similar, and rather vanilla relationships.
Ive struggled for a while now to introduce my Dom side into my vanilla relationships due to my job and my public/out persona. Ive carried some shame about this part of me which has negatively impacted my relationships, kink and vanilla.
Now I am much more comfortable with this aspect of my life and am looking for tips and guidance as to how to introduce D/s into a rather vanilla relationship.
Im very comfortable with thorough communication. Just looking for some help in this area.
Thanks all
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