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  • Posted by sir-wolf on at

    Just wanted to give a quick intro as I just found this site yesterday and it is full of useful information.

    My submissive and I have been married for almost 2 years, which have been some of the hardest times of my life. I love every inch of her and wouldn’t want to do without. We fell into some hard times especially with getting married so young and taking on huge responsibilities.Somewhere in the mix we lost ourselves and developed hatred and a huge loss of respect for one another.We sat down and really spoke about a D/s relationship and if it would be right for us, well to cut to the chase here I am and things are going much smoother now. We both still have lots to learn and I look forward to being an active member on here. Thank you for this site and all the help is has brought to my marriage in such a short period of time.

    husdom replied 10 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Daddys_Home


    Sir Wolf,

    Let me be the first to welcome you to husDom and congratulate you on your move to D/s. I am in my 3rd week and I have been away from home since we started. Definitely take some time to search through the forums. There is a wealth of information and if you don’t find what you’re looking for please post a reply or start a new thread.

    My first suggestion is to search for Downtime. I have personally found this essential as we begin our journey. Communication is huge.

    Again, welcome Sir.

    Loving Liege

  • sir-wolf


    Loving Liege
    I have established downtime for everynight before we go to bed, since we are new I feel that we need as much communication as possible.

    Sir Wolf

  • mr-b


    Welcome Sir Wolf!

    I am glad to hear that things are turning around for you and your submissive. D/s has definitely strengthened the relationship between my Sweetness and myself…and I didn’t think it was bad before but it is off the hook now!

    This site that Mr. Fox has given us is a bundle of info as well as all the Doms that are willing to help in any way! Never hesitate to ask questions.

    Best of luck on your journey! I look forward to future chats.

    Take Care!

    Mr. B

  • buck-amb


    Welcome Sir Wolf, you have found a great site. If you haven’t gone to the archives yet there is some great blogs to go thru. Has your W/s found LK’s site yet? It is full of information for the subs and they have some great chats my Wench tells me.

    Again, welcome


  • master-grey


    Sir Wolf,

    Welcome to husdom! I concur with the other gentlemen here, you have found a great site for your new dynamic. There are doms at almost every stage of their D/s relationship. The forums and blogs on husdom are very informative. Please feel free to jump in on the forums with any questions you may have. You can always feel free to contact Mr. Fox, myself, or any other moderator if you have any questions or concerns.



  • husdom


    Sir Wolf,

    These gentleman are such great ambassadors for husDOM that I have nothing to add…

    You can see that if you have any questions you can ask anyone of these gentleman for help… Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you would like as well….

    I look forward to learning more about you and yours as you begin your journey into this lifestyle.

    Best wishes,

    Mr Fox

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