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  • Posted by rider on at

    Hi, I have been lurking on this site for about a week now and I have to say the wealth of information on here is incredable. Thank you for providing a place where husbands and fathers can come to help with their relationships. Well now that I have sung my praises I’ll introduce myself…

    I have been married for 5 years but have been with my wife for the last 17 years, and we are both proud parents of a one year old. Although we are not currently in a formal D/s relationship yet I have always been the dominant force in our relationship. We have been really working on our relationship in general lately and I have already started being more assertive and sure in my requests and actions in general.

    From my extensive reading of the last week or two it appears that most of the men here have had their submissives are the ones that bring up that they wanted to begin the formal D/s lifestyle. But I was wondering if any of the Doms out there were the ones to brin up the idea of the formalized D/s lifestyle to their submissives?

    I ask because I believe that it is somthing that my wife would actually enjoy considering the current dynamics of our relationship, particularly the roles I would have as being her formal Dom (which this site has done a great job at outlining the roles and responsability Doms have). I feel though that it is somthing she would never bring up herself.

    I look forward to being a part of this community and learning from the experiences of others simular to myself. Any and all advice is appreciated and encouraged.


    sir-rg replied 10 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • dominus



    Welcome to husDOM, you have found a great community to talk with and an equally great website to set you on your way to a very healthy D/s journey with your wife.

    I have been D/s coming on eight months and asked My Little a Trooper to submit. MLT joyfully accepted and we have not looked back.

    I look forward to talking with you in the future.


  • husdom



    Welome aboard!

    While the majority of the husDOM’s within the community were in fact approached by their spouse and their spouse’s desire to be Dominated there are many husDOMs here that were the catalyst for this lifestyle.

    I am confident that you will make many friends here and that you will find plenty of guidance along your journey.

    Kindest wishes,

    Mr Fox

  • rider


    Thank you both Sir and Mr. Fox. Your warm welcome is approchiated and I look forward to building on my dominance useing this site as an excellent resource. After talking with Sir today in chat I reflected a bit on my relationship with my wife and realized that she in many ways has already opened up the doors for a D/s lifestyle but may I fact be a little to shy to bring it up or move it forward herself. After this reflection a little pressure has come off of me and I have already begun to formulate my D/s proprosal to my wife.

    Thanks again,

    • husdom



      Sir has proven himself to be an excellent resource here on husDOM for many…

      To your point in your own introduction there isn’t a lot of information here in regards to the husband expressing his desire for a D/s relationship to his wife. I have said before that I do not believe that I would have the courage that my Little Kaninchen had in divulging her darkest secrets to me.

      There are several husDOMs in the Fox’s Den community that initiated this lifestyle with their partner, however, there is very little information written regarding such a course. Would you consider writing a forum thread regarding your approach, your point of view, considerations, trepidations, etc…

      There is no pressure for my request. I will completely understand if documenting your approach in the public domain is not a consideration.

      Best of luck,

      Mr. Fox

  • rider


    Thank you Mr. Fox,

    After reading your reply and taking some time to think it over in would be happy to write a forum thread on the subject.

    Unfortunately it will not be a quick process to build the forum thread as I hope to provide as much insight to the process that I can possibly provide.

    Since reading your request to start a new thread on the topic of a husband asking his wife to enter into a D/s relationship, I have already started to write the introduction of this process.

    I look forward to providing this community with an genuine insight of the process it talks to ask a loved one to begin this journey.


    • husdom



      Your willingness to openly share your experience is greatly appreciated among many. I believe that the fundemantals of your journey will be much the same as everyone else. Your thoughts and trepidations may have unique circumstances to your particular situation.

      Several members have also been looking for guidance during the beginning of their journey when they are the ones asking for this lifestyle and a forum thread will be an excellent beginning. It will also be a place where others can more easily identify those members that have made or are currently making a similar transition.

      Best wishes,

      Mr. Fox

  • rider


    I also won’t write the post on my phone so I can minimize the spelling and grammatical errors as much as possible… Hahaha

  • sir-rg


    I wasn’t approached by my wife about this lifestyle from my sweetness. I found her hiding from me some stuff on her computer and when she came home from being out with friends i just took her over my knee for a good spanking. Then we did lots of talking ans sex for the next 9 months lol. Good luck on your journey!

  • husdom



    This is an excellent strategy and it appears as though it has paid many dividends to you.

    Thank you for sharing Sir…

    Best wishes,

    Mr. Fox

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