Gotta take first step somewhere
The wife and I have been together since high school, we’re bot 25. We’re married with a single kiddo. Things were good but got a little boring, as I’m sure most of you know. I’ve done the D/S in the bedroom here and there and we liked it. But The past few days I’ve tried out side of the bedroom and enjoyed it. I also realized I was previously doing it wrong, getting too angry punishment type of things. Read a lot and realized I was doing it wrong. I can tell the wife enjoys it, but is nervous about it. Thinks that I may do something a bit overboard that she doesn’t like it. I would like to be pointed in the right direction on how to obtain her trust as a Dom I don’t ruin something I think we both enjoy. I’ve done the written punishments when she “earned” them. Haven’t done the rice simply because she hasn’t dont anything yet.. We have gone into public (grocery store) yesterday and kept it up. But, she didn’t speak very loud and i was understanding, she didn’t want anyone to hear, and let her get away with it. Like I said I’d like to get a few pointers, and ease into it properly. thanks for the tips in advance!
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