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  • Posted by Unknown Member on at

    Hello Mr/Mrs Dom,

    after some research I identified my relationship to my Fiance to be D/S. Why? We have kinky fun and she is a true submissive. With true I mean she seems to seek my order in every aspect of life. She follows most of the time, because she knows I do things as she likes and doesn’t care about the exact procedure.
    Based on this we started our play. We called it D/S because it was using all the mechanics in a very simplified version and we liked it. But there was always some hesitation on her side. Now I know, that she is unsure what I am goint to do to her.(Never have spanked her to see any red on her skin) She trusts me but is wondering about this place we are going to. The reason is that I used her natural submissive behaviour to implement my ideas right when I found out she likes the kinky part too. Our play was introduced and imposed on her by me, so she can see the D/S-dynamic we are living already.

    But now it is time for a change. Things have to get more consensual. I have to confess her my kinky thoughts (we are practicing these in some degree already…) and expecially the feelings that comes with it to help her understand. I want her to know that I strive to provide her with guidance and love. That I like D/S to be the instrument of our love because it can help us to develop our relationship. Even if it is only for a short time. I have to tell her everything about it, so she can decide if or in which degreed she is really willing to submit.

    You see this is a crucial point, I would have never reached without your collected wisdom. I guess most of you have been through this. It might be that the result is not what I am hoping it to be. It might be that the end of our jouney is near, we will see.

    Thanks for reading and best regards

    PS: If you have ideas or tips for me, please tell me. This “confession” is to take place about sunday 03.04.16

    Unknown Member replied 8 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I would concentrate the discussion about what you believe she will get out of it and what you both will get out of it.

    For me and mine, the sex is a benefit, fun and crazy. But the part that touches both our souls are the closeness and the appreciation of each other. The trust. The honesty. The lack of fear.

    That for us is the 24/7 D/s. Best of luck.

    Also allow her time to do her own research. She has to want to follow your lead. You are her leader.

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