An Introduction from Sir Em
Good evening gentlemen,
I would like to introduce myself. I am a married, forty-something professional. My wife, Darling Heart (DH) and I have been together for nearly twenty years and have three curious, feist teenagers, which many of you have already realized, brings a whole new set of challengers one must deal with.
DH and I have been immersed in our D/s relationship for a little over two years (mid-2012); however, remain eager to gain further insight and knowledge to enhance what has already been an incredible and amazing journey for us both. I have been away from home for an extended period due to work commitments; however, DH and I are now rediscovering the joys we previously garnered from this dynamic.
We began our journey after DH confided in me about her want, her need, her desire to be dominated by myself. Thank you DH for having an unwavering faith in us and what was an already incredible relationship, as well as having the trust in me to feel comfortable enough to lay your heart bare before me. Your fearless outlook on life and free spirit is truly infectious and liberating and for this alone, you will forever be cherished and adored.
While DH and I have had a fair amount of experience, both within the bedroom (only) and 24/7, I do not consider myself an expert husDOM, just a devoted father and husband who wishes to make the relationship I have with my wife, the best that it can be. This site is a tremendous tool which I believe will assist me in this goal, as well as the ongoing development of my darling submissive.
Please feel free to contact me anytime; however, over time I intend on being actively involved within the forums, as well as being more interactive with my fellow husDOMs.
Wishing you all the very best for what is a truly amazing journey.
Sir Em
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