A step closer?
Hi All,
I have joined here to see if husDom is what it professes to be. Been through a lot of traumatic experiences (haven’t we all!) and I am skeptical that anything other than myself can ever help me. It looks great so far. Had a brief chat with DOM and I’m looking forward to meeting more experienced folks that can help me keep on being honest with myself. I have some major flaws that I have been working on and although I feel like I am growing in confidence I have times when I am lost through lack of understanding and experience. I struggle with investing in something (like husDom) that could end up biting me.
I read as many blog articles as I can but I’m going slow. I find each time I learn something new, but each time I re-read there is some nuance that I did not understand the first time. I try to hold a consistent frame and put things I have learned into practice slowly. However I am still conflicted internally about some things and this is down to my lack of understanding, preparation and direction. This feels right to be going through this, and part of my shame is that I have allowed myself to get to this time in my life and only now start to understand my true self and consequently my partner and my children. The mountain ahead is HUGE!!
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