A new home. and lifestyle
First I want to say “Thank You” for the warm welcome this week. To say it has been eye opening and tremendously satisfying is an understatement. Specifically, DOM, Tex, Sir, Xenon, and of course Mr. Fox (if I left anyone out form that first night or two of chatting, I apologize; its been a bit of a blur) have made me feel not only welcome, but right at home.Moreover, I feel this community is giving me the much needed ammunition and tools to fight the biggest battle of my life in a calm, consistent, and Dom kind of way. We shall see how the upcoming battles play out. Although my wife is not the enemy, I think the following may apply to my situation:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of WarI lead with this because for the past 13 years (12 of it married) I have failed not only to know my spouse (who at times I felt was my enemy), but most importantly never really knew ME. Thus, I am where I am today because I feel that I am succumbing to every battle. But now, I am making the effort to know and understand my wife and know and understand me, so that WE may have a chance to win and have a fabulous, fulfilling relationship like I see posted about on this site.
Here is the scenario in summary: My wife returned from a 197 day deployment on Januarty 27th. On January 29th, she informed me she wanted a divorce so that I could go live my own bachelor life and do all that I wanted to do, the way I wanted to. She had short notice orders to move in April to TX and that she and our kids and dogs would be going, but that WE were done.
I was shocked, but not really. We had both been miserable for a while. Our sex life was almost non-existent (4 yr old and 1 yr old). I had repeatedly lied to her and broken her trust on numerous occasions over the 12 years, and despite a lot of nice things on the surface, our core was rotten and neglected. I had lost my way due in part to my own personal demons and insecurities. I can see that stuff now, but I could not see it prior to this Divorce statement. while there are issues in our marriage greater than D/s, I feel a lot of our hurt, anger and frustration was based on neither of us really owning our Dom/sub roles and responsibilities.She always wanted me to be in control and said she was a natural Sub… but I never knew or tried to know what she meant…until now. I on the other hand was a closet Dom. that term may not make sense to anyone else on here (I kind of made it up), but it is the only way I can explain it. Due to social expectations and an idea of being “equal partners” I thought that there was now way she could really be a sub and that I needed to reign in some of my wants and needs to help with keeping our relationship civil—–WRONG…the exact opposite. And as our frustration built we said and did things to each other that created a lot of hurt and pain… 12 years of it.. especially the last 5-8 years (after I had to leave the Air Force, got severely depressed, struggled with a new career, had the kids, etc.. In short I was no longer feeling anywhere close to a Dom and the person that had exhibited a lot of these Dom qualities when we met (confidence, control, zest for life, etc) was running away and hiding/dying; thus an ultimate betrayal to my Sub that rocked her to her core. I became domineering and controlling versus respectful of her; likewise she became resentful of having to hold the house together and be her own safety and security… which then made me resentful… and a spiral of anger and hurt… The complete opposite of the circle that Mr Fox talks about. Thrown in for good measure an alcohol abuse issue on my part (again something that erodes the honesty and trust of a relationship) and you can see the train wreck coming. so in my Sub’s defense, She only saw 2 options: Stay and be miserable for ever, or get out while she could… and while we were separated by the deployment, she worked up the courage to implement the plan. The 3rd option of changing and growing a better relationship was dismissed because I have never changed before.
So here I am, working on changing, transforming myself into the person I always wanted to be, thought I could be and my spouse thought she saw in me. it may be too late, but I have to try. I am not doing this “just for her” or anything like that. I am doing this for me first and foremost because I recognize that this side of me is real and been suppressed too long. But I also know that if I can do it soon, and project the air of confidence and control that a Dom has, then I have a chance she will be drawn back in… and if she is drawn back in, I want her to be in for a surprise about just how far these changes go and how I really am open to going on this Journey with her. Because now, I am really getting to know myself, and I think I know part of her (but I really want to KNOW the sub side of her better bc I was not listening before), so I have a chance to win the war even if I have lost a few battles… wish me luck!
thank you for letting me share.
With gratitude,
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