Hello to all!
I would like to introduce myself finally and say thanks to those who have already welcomed me. My Sweets and I started our D/s-M journey about 6 or 7 months ago. As we were talking in bed one evening, she mentioned that she had been reading about some “stuff” and wanted to talk about it. Boy did I have some surprises that night! Shortly after that we began our journey and have been growing closer ever since. We have been married almost 27 years, and we both agree that we wish we had learned about D/s many years ago. So many rough times could have been avoided and so many good times could have been so much better!
We both know we still have such a long way to go, but believe we are on the right track now. I know I can certainly use some help as I learn to become the Dom that my Sweets needs. I have already learned a lot just from lurking around from time to time and also from LK’s site, but I know to get the most from it all it is best to be a part, so here I am.
And I would like to thank Mr. Fox for providing a place, with good leadership, for us to learn and grow from and with each other.
Mr D
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