New Dom | Fighter With a Heavy Heart
Hi everyone, from a newfound Dom! I never thought I’d be posting such a heavy introduction, but here goes…
I found this community and this side of me after splitting up with my OC. She and I had a vanilla relationship lasting just under four years and we were due to marry at the end of this month. Needless to say, the wedding isn’t happening anymore. My OC and I had our fair share of problems that amounted to a horrible mess.
Since the breakup, I’ve learned a lot about myself and about my OC. One being that she wanted someone to fulfill her submissive desires, but she hadn’t worked up the courage to share that side with me. I started reading the blog posts to learn what being a Dom entails, and I’ve seen where my inaction contributed to my OC’s reality. We were feeding off each other in entirely the wrong way and we lost communication for so long.
About 10 weeks have passed now and my OC and I are talking again, we’re working through things, and I’m applying what I’ve learned thus far from the blogs to help rebuild the ties between my OC and myself. She and I share the blame regarding many things, but husDOM has given me the clarity to show me where I need to change. During our talks there were so many things we wished the other had said; all in all our relationship deteriorated because of miscommunication. My OC and I have grown so much in the last 10 weeks and I’m fighting tooth and nail to make this right.
That’s the “heavy heart” component of this title, now for the fighter part. I’m now in competition with another Dom for my OC, a much more experienced Dom than I. Nothing has been signed between them, but I’m fighting for my OC with another Dom nonetheless. At this point, not even she knows just how far I’m willing to go. Despite everything, I’d do anything for my OC; I’d even die for her.
I welcome any advice that the veteran Doms here can offer me. I’m trying to find my OC’s desires so I can feed her submissive side, but I feel like I’m asking the wrong questions by doing so. Currently, I use Downtime to work through questions she has for me, her insecurities, my questions for her, and my insecurities. After Downtime, I massage her and go from there. I still have a VERY long way to go, but I do hope that I can say in the future that husDOM helped me reconnect with my OC and create a strong D/s-M circle.
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